The Burkard School


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The Burkard School is a school that focuses on providing specialized education and support for students with learning disabilities and learning differences. They offer a personalized curriculum, small class sizes, and a supportive community to help students succeed academically and build confidence.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer onsite therapy?

We do not but we work in close contact with the therapists that the students use. Our Director of Behavior meets with these therapists and together they do coordination of care. They wIll also discuss with parents if they are working on a behavior model at home and how we can incorporate it at school.

Can parents pay extra for onsite services or bring in offsite experts?

We do not offer this because our class sizes do not go larger than 12 students. We have a teacher and licensed behavior specialist in every class. One thing that is a part of the profile of our students is that they can learn in a group setting.

Do you have parent support groups?

We have a parents association! Within this, our parents set up gatherings. This gives parents the opportunity to network with each other. We also have an online chat room that they all go to- they also do 1:1 support with a lot of parents to discuss what they are going through.

How is your staff trained?

Teachers have to have a teaching cert or Master’s Degree, most behavior staff are ABA trained or registered behavior techs. 2 weeks of inservice training before the school year starts. We also work with teacher teams to create class wide and individualized behavior systems. We also have executive function training and it is part of our core staff curriculum. Every Wednesday we have staff meetings and every other one includes professional development.


No but we do have kids that carpool utilizing our parent networks

Do you take children with behavior issues?

Yes it is something that we specialize in


46,000 USD/ year- but we do offer scholarships using another nonprofit (SSS) and quite a few students are getting their tuition reimbursed by their school district. The law for the public school is that they have to provide services equitibily for students- some of the student’s IEPs the schools determine that it is better to pay their tuition vs do education on their campus (the public school). Any fundraising that we do, we will earmark for these scholarship opportunities.

When it comes to behavior issues, what are your standard policies for a child continuing in your school?

Our behavior team is CPI trained (de escalation training) and last resort restraint training- which is only used to protect the student and their classmates. We always assess everything to ensure that our settings are working well for the student and that there is continued progress with the behaviors.

College prep?

No, because we only go to the 8th grade!



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