All Children's Academics


1 Review

All Children's Academics is a private school in Marin that is dedicated to serving children with special educational needs. They provide tailored support to neurodiverse students who may be struggling socially, emotionally, or academically. The school fosters holistic development and empowers students to reach their full potential. All Children's Academics offers specialized services, including social skills training, academic support, and personalized educational plans, designed to empower students and help them thrive. They provide a safe environment for children to acquire social, emotional, and academic competencies through personalized programs in a small group format. The school designs individualized programs for each student and carefully creates groups that benefit students' learning styles and friendship-making skills. All Children's Academics is a diamond in the rough, according to parents who have shared their experiences. The school offers rolling admissions, providing an opportunity for families to secure their child's place without the constraints of a fixed application deadline. The founder and director of the school is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment where students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes you unique?

Our approach to learning stems from our belief that one’s sensory system must be fed and calm in order to access learning. We utilize an enormous amount of resources throughout the day to feed each students sensory system so that they may be able to focus academically, socially, and emotionally.

Do you offer onsite therapy?

We offer onsite occupational and speech therapy. Additionally, families are welcome to have their personal therapists, tutors, or practitioners come onto our campus during the day to see their child, and utilize our private therapy rooms.

Can parents pay extra for onsite services or bring in offsite experts?

Yes, we partner with each family, so that each child has a team built specifically for them. We welcome your child’s experts onto our campus so we can collaborate. Each child is unique, and different practitioners provide a different skills set, so we welcome the diversity in education.

Do you have parent support groups?

Yes. Our parent support groups are led each year by fellow parents who have “been around the block.” We additionally value family events on weekends, family field trips, and school parties.

How is your staff trained?

Our staff initially comes to us with a minimum of 3 years experience in special education with a college degree. We then train our educated staff, in our unique and best practices as a school. Because our approach to learning is completely individualized, staff learn the flexibility on how to create a specific plan for each child and how to implement that plan. Staff is trained on multiple academic and assessment modalities so they can pick the appropriate teaching materials and methods for each student.


Transportation will be offered in the 2024 calendar year.

Do you take children with behaviour issues?

We view behavior as a form of communication. We believe that if we can meet the needs of the child’s communication then we can be successful with that child. We are not equipped for children who need restraint or have aggressive Behaviors.


Tuition is $32,000 a 10 month school year. Summer school, aftercare, and therapy services are additional costs.

When it comes to behaviour issues, what are your standard policies for a child continuing in your school?

Our standards are that our school is a safe place. We want every student to know that they are physically, and emotionally safe when on our campus. We help to make sure each child has access to what they need in order to feel safe to learn.

Can you challenge a high achieving academic child while also building core foundation skills?

Yes. We have many 2E students who attend our program. Because of our intentionally small class sizes, and individualized program, each student can be pushed to learn in areas they excel at, and provided with extra attention on areas that need more support.

Do you offer college prep?


Do you have co-op opportunities for your older children?

Our older students are engaged with many off campus activities and classes where they are able to take the skills they have learned and utilize them across different contexts with a variety of peers.



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Jessica Nolan

1 year ago

After a half dozen tours, a massive list of schools to research and a disappointing preschool experience that caused more harm than help, we found our school! All Children’s Academics made my child feel happy, safe and welcome. He even participates in table school work, which just months he wouldn't sit and do a craft at his other school. It's a warm, loving environment that has been a godsend for me as a parent.