Services & Informations

Choosing the right School for kinds by Beaming Health:

Highlights Finding the right school for a neurodivergent child can be a challenging task. Many parents may start looking into school options for their children a year or more in advance. And many neurodiverse families may find that they need to change schools or even move to another district midway through the year to access a better education.  When do I need to register my child for sc...

25th May, 2023


ESA Background and data by Jenny Clark at Love Your School (

State K-12 Scholarship Programs  Arkansas Arkansas Children’s Educational Freedom Account Program   This program begins in 2024. The website and application for this program are still being set-up by the state of Arkansas, but you can view more about the LEARNS Act, which was the legislation that established this ESA here.  Last updated May 18, 2023 Arizona Empowerment Scholarship Accoun...

20th May, 2023


Supporting K-12 Learners: The Importance of Executive Functioning Development by Learnfully, Inc. (

Executive dysfunction is a critical issue that affects learners of all abilities and intelligence levels yet is often overlooked in schools and at home. Despite its significant impact on academic and life-long success, executive functioning development for K-12 learners has slowed down in recent years due to factors such as trauma, anxiety, and stress. For the second year in a row, Learn...

20th May, 2023